Poetry |

“The Theory of the Multiverse”

The Theory of the Multiverse

 a portal through which everything



the electorate is said to

be concerned with inflation, not

the first few moments after

the big bang, but just

high gas prices, kitchen table


sorts of concerns but not

kitchen table poly, this kind

of concern is strictly monogamous –

but without inflation, the theory

of the multiverse couldn’t exist


and we wouldn’t know who’s

“connecting to audio,” the words

over a small thumbnail during

Steve Benson’s Zoom reading today,

the rest of the participants


now reduced to our names,

white words on black backgrounds,

the balletics of the ozone …

I always liked Benson’s writing

because it made me laugh


and did again today     next

in the Grand Hotel series

Barry Watten     whom I knew

a little later     early eighties

in San Francisco     another universe


come back to this moment

to where we always are

what is language poetry 2024

and what is its relation

to the poetry of presence?


back then I found them

snobbish     too full of themselves

Alice Notley     words aren’t language

and discourse     of course     is

completely out of the question


I’m trying to explain presentism

this moment not yet imagined

but it’s not really possible

to have “present” without “past”

thought alone gets us nowhere


block the movement of capital?

good luck with that one

we’re way beyond politics now

and the present space-time

does not admit those coordinates


the present has no brand

not a place of recline

the being in a position

that’s where they get you

“I’m into pain, degradation, humiliation


but let’s meet IRL first”

dating sites     kitchen table poly

like confessional poetry     the bad

old times     Cal and Sylvia

as if we’re not now


in an age of dis-association

the words on the screen

or page not at all

signifying what’s going on     which

can get a little confusing


what happened to the referent

a particle can be anywhere

and everywhere at once     and

a cat can be alive

and dead until it’s observed


I live uptown     I live

downtown     I live all around

say goodbye to the mythopoeic

no more receiving holy orders

just remember to pay attention


spooky action at a distance

so is there no difference

between here and there     cause

and effect     inside and outside

even back then and now?


nitrous oxide at the dentist

first time in thirty years

“Rocketman … burning out his fuse

up here alone”     classic rock

on the headphones     more painful


than the needle     next time

jazz     or blues     or silence

the Scarlet Witch plays sitar

in her universe     George Harrison

a lot to answer for


I preferred his     “be thankful

I don’t take it all”

and his “advice for those

who die     declare the pennies

on your eyes”     the present


has no brand     “space-time

could bend, expand, rip, quiver,

and disappear into those bottomless

pits of nothingness … black holes”

Dennis Overbye in Times Science


can’t find the dream poem

I had intended to read

FBI raid Mar-a-Lago

August 8 also Nixon’s resignation

it’s time for a footnote


Every year on August 8,

an astrological event called the

Lion’s Gate Portal is opened

Sirius rises over the Nile

this centuries old celestial occurrence


Sirius combines Mars and Jupiter

the star’s heliacal rising associated

with the Nile’s annual flooding

onset of a new year

a good opportunity for manifestation”


good time for a poem

come back to this moment

I saw the figure five

in gold     a poem by

Williams     a painting by Hartley


but in a different universe

this poem has different numbers

of words for each line

and in another is measured

musical     perfect rhyme and meter


“each universe would emerge with

its own laws of physics,

its own collection of particles,

its own arrangement of forces”

House of the Dragon episodes


more people dying at weddings

fake medievalism     a little like

Thomas Chatterton in the 1770s

dead by his own hand

at seventeen     the opposite of


Elizabeth     who died in 1603

all these dynasties     marriages     consorts

what exactly is our inheritance

wayward souls distracted by the

merest breeze     attracted to only


negative thinking     deaths far away

or closer     friends go crazy

family members lose their minds

mountain ash refuses to flower

there’s nothing to be done


no one can help this

messianic blossom blossom wrote Billie

come back to this moment

Breaking News on cable TV

“we shall not all die


but we shall be changed”

if information is never lost

words and their referents do

have some sort of relation

we can survive as holograms


obscured by dreams and desire

“so this is my vow –

all the gods must die”

Chris Hitchens at the multiplex

“the god butcher is coming”


I can’t say he’s unwelcome

I’m kinda on his side

trying to review a book

that dissolves in my hands

turns into an insect swarm


what if this is it

what if this blood clot

is thick enough to clog

all the important arterial pathways

have you reached a verdict


not enough love or care

when the topics of consideration

are quantum mechanics and relativity

mashups of sex and scholarship

presentations of Grand Piano authors


breaking news     astronomers see a

dying star swell and absorb

a Jupiter-sized planet

earth in five billion years

come back to this moment


cartoons at the pearly gates

even for a lapsed Jew

the experience is an encounter

changing the nature of discourse

to include kindness and love


post-equinox back deck coffee

day and night never equal

warmth from the coffee cup

yin and yang shifting positions

in the murky alchemical beaker


a few more brilliant days

before the rains     is it

a Native American summer now?

Sirius rising     Karl Kerenyi’s Dionysus

language is speaking through me


a transformation of the numinous

it’s the unconscious within us

that’s changing     said Jung     my

cat steps out of dream

starts to whine for food


the liminal state is reached

if you look from outside

it’s the academy or entertainment

there’s one thing about poetry

it doesn’t stop or start



thanks to Will Alexander, Ted Pearson and Dennis Overbye

for letting me borrow some lines for this assemblage

Joe Safdie

Joe Safdie‘s recent books are Greek to Me (Chax Press), a selected poems dealing with Greek mythology, and Poetry and Heresy (MadHat Press), a collection of essays. He lives in Portland, OR with his wife and his cat.

Posted in Poetry

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